Weekend Trip From London | Exploring Bath, Bristol, and Salisbury (Stonehenge)
This past weekend, I visited a friend in Bath. While I was there, I also went to Bristol and Stonehenge! Here are short snippets of what I saw and did.
Bath Circus
Circus = Circle
Pulteney Bridge
The Pulteney Bridge runs across the River Avon and is one of the only bridges in the world with shops and restaurants on it.
The Roman Baths
Makin' wishes
The Roman Baths are naturally heated by hot springs! The hot water rises up through pipes and into the baths, then flows out into the river.
Front of Bath Abbey
Inside Bath Abbey
River Avon
Graffiti obsessed
Banksy's "Rose Trap"
Banksy's "Well-Hung Lover"
My friend and I tried to find a few of Banksy's pieces, but many had been painted over or were pretty small. The Rose Trap was kind of weird as a frame had been put around it to preserve it. It was also on a wall outside someone's home. If you want to check out more of Banksy's famous pieces, click here.
I thought Stonehenge would be underwhelming considering it's just a bunch of rocks, but I actually liked its mysterious history. Some theories of what it was used for: burial/ceremonial grounds, a way of telling time, a place of healing. No one really knows! Aside from all the tourists, it's a very peaceful place set in a remote field. Considering over 800,000 people visit each year, it still seems to have some powerful draw to it.
Thanks for reading!
- Steph